What’s up fellow makers, today we do another little product review. I ordered and received a package from Omnifixo, and I’m quite keen to see what’s inside.

All right, so let’s take a look. Omnifixo makes a “third hand”, perhaps you know those cheap third hands for soldering with the crock clams. Perhaps you know already know the cheap crappy things, personally I don’t like them because those clamps make scratches into the PCB’s and the stand isn’t so good.

Omnifixo offers us a solution to get around those issues. Arrgh no aggressive Crocodiles on deck – No bite marks or scratching of sensitive components.

Base plate
So we put the box aside and there we go. In the box there is 1 x Base plate 90 × 160 mm. The basic board has a nice little sign, it says Omnifixo, It has a meter, and it’s in millimeters, and it’s in inches too. So it works for Europe, rest of the world and America as well.

At the back we find the clamps, but more about that in a moment. The baseplate has four rubber feet on the back for stable placement. The rubber feet also ensure that the plate does not shift when you are working.

Magnetic feet
We take the clamps from the back. Those magnets are strong, really, really strong.

The magnet which is really strong, perhaps it’s a neodymium magnet I’m not quite sure. Then you have those little balls which are grabbed by the magnet, so the cool thing here is if you take one of those clamps. You can push this little lever upwards and then here’s the space to insert something. So what can you do with those thingies, so firstly it could replace a PCB holder!

As said there are four clamps, let’s take a PCB like this one as shown below. For example, if you want to solder the IC, you could place it in these terminals like this. You can also use the clamps upside down!

The Omnifixo Clips can provide a high and a Low working height. When positioning, there is no “kickback” effect. Through the Stable steel base and the low center of gravity, you will get the best stability. The Matt coated base will give a minimal glare, so you would not be distracted when working.

Through the Magnetic ball joints, any position is possible. Trough Sliding magnetic the feet, you can literally fit everything between them. Also, the 14 mm clamping opening will give you enough space for even bigger components. The 14 mm jaw opening and the narrow nose makes it easy to find a good spot to hold your components. The clip does not chew your work, yet provides a firm grip thanks to the unique clip design with parallel spring-loaded jaws.

This is the best third hand on the market for makers that I know of. A real must’ve for any maker / hobbyist / electronics hobbyist etc. Got excited? And do you want to order one too? Which you can. Via the link below you will be forwarded to the official website where you can also order it!

OMNIFIXO, OMNIFIXO – M4.2, https://omnifixo.com