If you’re looking to integrate your ESP32 with Apple’s HomeKit, you’re in luck. With a bit of setup, you can generate a QR code to streamline the pairing process. Let’s dive into the steps required to generate a QR code for your HomeKit accessory using the esp32-homekit-demo

Cloning the Repository
First, clone the
git clone --recursive https://github.com/AchimPieters/esp32-homekit-demo.git
This will download the demo project along with its submodules.
Accessory Setup
Setup Code
The setup code for HomeKit must be an 8-digit number. For instance, 10148005
. When generating the accessory SRP verifier, format the setup code as XXX-XX-XXX
. So, 10148005
becomes 101-48-005

Setup ID
Each accessory requires a unique 4-character alphanumeric setup ID. This ID persists across reboots and resets. Ensure it differs from the DeviceID, serial number, model, or accessory name. Here’s an example configuration:
homekit_server_config_t config = {
.accessories = accessories,
.password = "123-45-678",
.setupId = "1QJ8",

QR Code Prerequisites
To generate the QR code, you need Python and a few libraries. If you’re on macOS, start by installing Homebrew, the missing package manager:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"
Add Homebrew to your PATH:
export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python/libexec/bin:$PATH"
For macOS 10.12 (Sierra) or older, use:
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH
Install Python 3:
brew install python
Next, install the necessary Python libraries:
python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
python3 -m pip install --upgrade Pillow
python3 -m
pip install qrcode

Generate the QR Code
With the prerequisites installed, you can now generate the QR code using the provided script. The command structure is:
tools/gen_qrcode <category> <setup code> <setup ID> <output file>
For example:
tools/gen_qrcode 5 123-45-678 1QJ8 qrcode.png
: HomeKit accessory category (in this case, lighting).123-45-678
: The formatted setup code.1QJ8
: The setup ID.qrcode.png
: The output file where the QR code will be saved.
Press enter, and the QR code will be generated and saved as qrcode.png
in the tools

HomeKit Accessory Categories
Here’s a handy table for HomeKit accessory categories:
Category | Number |
Other | 1 |
Bridges | 2 |
Fans | 3 |
Garage door openers | 4 |
Lighting | 5 |
Locks | 6 |
Outlets | 7 |
Switches | 8 |
Thermostats | 9 |
Sensors | 10 |
Security systems | 11 |
Doors | 12 |
Windows | 13 |
Window coverings | 14 |
Programmable switches | 15 |
Range extenders | 16 |
IP cameras | 17 |
Video doorbells | 18 |
Air purifiers | 19 |
Heaters | 20 |
Air conditioners | 21 |
Humidifiers | 22 |
Dehumidifiers | 23 |
Apple TV | 24 |
Speakers | 26 |
Airport | 27 |
Sprinklers | 28 |
Faucets | 29 |
Shower heads | 30 |
Televisions | 31 |
Target remotes | 32 |

By following these steps, you’ll have a QR code ready for pairing your ESP32 HomeKit accessory with ease. Happy hacking!